
Support for Neighbourhood Planning

Helping local councils to create effective NDPs

It’s hard to know what to do first when a community kicks off the process of writing a Neighbourhood Plan. Its tempting to get right into the exciting things, like finding sites and writing policies! Its all too easy to get focused on the current ‘hot topic’ and neglect the many other interests that a good Plan might consider, or to miss out some of the important administrative steps that could cause you to stumble later. Also, as most Neighbourhhood Planning involves small budgets and big volunteer effort, managing your people resource can be a headache.

In fact a good Plan can only come out of a well planned process, that ensures that your arrangements are sound, that your resources are adequate, and that you follow a logical sequence of events. Later on in the process you may also need professional planning advice, but getting your arrangements set up properly from the start is essential.

PlanSupport offers professional guidance and activity  in two areas:

Firstly, focusing on getting the process and administration working effectively. The aim is to work closely alongside your Neighbourhood Plan team, providing support based on many years experience in planning and community regeneration, and helping it to develop the skills and expertise that will lead to a great Plan.

Secondly PlanSupport also offers professional planning advice, research, analysis and technical writing support. When your Neighbourhood Plan reaches the stage when the evidence base needs analysis, a strategy and specific policies and proposals need to be prepared, PlanSupport is able to either give guidance or do this activity for you.

How is PlanSupport help different to help from bodies like Planning Aid, Locality and the Local Planning Authority? You can get excellent guidance and support from these organisations that may meet your needs completely. However, PlanSupport is local, experienced in rural and market town issues, and able to offer frequent, close and timely contact. PlanSupport can offer packages of guidance and support at various Plan stages, or take on specific tasks (individually or in stage packages).

For more details, see: A menu of support.

If it needs a planning application it can be influenced by a neighbourhood plan