
Fees and Costs

It’s amazing how many consultants won’t reveal their hand on charges and costs until later in the appointment process, when they have got a degree of commitment out of you. We reckon you’ll want to know right up front, so here goes:

PlanSupport Costs are based on a standard fee of £450 per consultants day [which is never less than 7 hours]

Copying and other similar costs are charged at cost.

Travel to your location (i.e. the ‘travel to work’) within Cornwall and Devon will not be charged in the hourly fee, nor will there be a mileage claim.

Travelling to meetings beyond the normal travel to work range within Cornwall and Devon will not be charged in the hourly fee, but mileage will be charged out at the HMRC rate of 45p per mile. If any overnight stays are required then the cost of a reputable local B&B will be acceptable.

If you are seeking a more comprehensive service, the usual arrangement would be for a set number of days on-site and/or remote per month for a fixed period. Fees based on this arrangement are reduced to £400 pd with extension subject to renegotiation of fees.


Supporting a broad Neighbourhood Plan for a market town of 10,000 – 15,000 population: £16,500

Supporting a limited scope Neighbourhood Plan for a rural Parish: £7,500

Please note: these terms may need to be revised in the future if our cost-base changes.