
Huge community effort leads Liskeard NDP to referendum.

Some four and a half years after serious work started on the Liskeard NDP it goes to referendum on the 25th October 2018.

This is the culmination of a huge voluntary effort.

In that time the 14 member steering group met 22 times. The 4 working groups, in which the steering group members were supplemented by 19 volunteers, met 48 times altogether, and there were 2 ‘cross-cutting’ theme sub group meetings. The drafting team, which brought the work together in the written statement of the NDP, met at least 25 times.

In addition many hundreds of hours of individual research and report writing was carried out by team members, plus duty spells at drop in sessions, and community events. Town Council time was dedicated to considering the draft NDP as it emerged, and the team reassembled to appear at the Public Hearing during the Plan’s Independent Assessment.

Consultants were used sparingly to provide training of community volunteers, assist with policy writing, and carry out an expert analysis of the local landscape.

Otherwise the task of preparing the Liskeard NDP relied on the dedication of thousands of hours of effort, completely for free, by volunteers from the Liskeard community, on behalf of the Liskeard community.

Now the time is approaching for the community to show its appreciation by getting out to vote on Liskeard’s own Neighbourhood Development Plan.