Liskeard NDP gets 91.5% vote in support. – PlanSupport Blog
The Liskeard NDP, (see blog item received a Yes vote of 91.5% in its referendum on 25th October 2018. That puts it (at the time of writing) 4th in terms of the yes vote percentages earned in the 21 Plan referendums held so far in Cornwall, and the best result of the five towns that have come through. The table below shows them all in order of percentages yes votes.
However turnout, at 21.2%, was well below the average NDP Referendum turnout of 34%. The reason for that? In my view simply that there were no current ‘threats’ in the form of Planning applications for large scale housing development, so no current public concern that could be tapped into.
Having said that, 1,583 people did turn out, which is not an inconsiderable number! And as 91.5% of them voted yes, the Plan will be ‘made’ and will be fully in effect. That is what matters! No one should think that a lower turnout somehow renders an NDP less relevant to planning decisions. Once ‘made’ it is 100% in force: assigning it less importance because of its referendum turnout would be challengeable.